Carlos Calderon Cordova

Scientific Researcher • Professor • Industrial Digital Transformation



Publications, featured data:

  • Researcher impact: h index = 12, according to Google Scholar. h index = 9, according to Scopus.
  • 38 Scientific Publications indexed in Scopus / Web of Science.
  • 24 Scientific Publications indexed as Main Author.
  • 7 Scientific Publications Journal-type.
  • 8 Book Chapters and Proceedings.
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Scientific publications indexed in Scopus / Web of Science

Publications: Scopus / Web Of Science

Performance Analysis of Motion Control Algorithms of an Industrial Robot Arm Applied to 3D Concrete Printing Systems †

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Leonardo Sarango, Dennis Chamba, Roger Sarango, Raul Castro

Engineering Proceedings, vol. 47, 2023

A Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Robotic Manipulation Tasks in Simulated Environments †

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Roger Sarango

Engineering Proceedings, vol. 47, 2023

Robotic Manipulators: A Control Architecture Approach Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Simulation Environments

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Roger Sarango

International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECCME 2023, 2023

Development of an autonomous system based on computer vision and open software-hardware platforms, applied to an educational game for inclusive basic education

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Santiago Sarmiento-Sinche, Roger Sarango

International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECCME 2023, 2023

Deep Reinforcement Learning for autonomous ground vehicle driving in mountainous environments with adverse environmental conditions

Roger Sarango, Carlos Calderon-Cordova

International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECCME 2023, 2023

Analysis of the optimal performance of several industrial robots in demanding situations using Pareto

Robinson Adrian Barrazueta Paccha, José Raúl Castro Mendieta, Tuesman Daniel Castillo Calvas, Carlos Alberto Calderon Córdova

6th IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting, ETCM 2022, 2022

Convolutional Neural Network and Industrial Robot Arm applied to an automatic coffee bean selection system

C.A. Calderon, John Robles, Sulay Morocho, Roger Sarango

2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/25th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: For the Development of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, ICA-ACCA 2022, 2022

Realization and comparative analysis of Fractional Order Controllers for different discretization methods

C.A. Calderon, Roger Sarango

2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/25th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: For the Development of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, ICA-ACCA 2022, 2022

Using wolfram software to improve reading comprehension in mathematics for software engineering students

Luis Rodrigo Barba-Guaman, Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Carlos Alberto Calderon-Cordova, Alfonso Maria Sarmiento-Ochoa, Liliana Enciso, Tula Silvana Luna-Briceno, Lorena Elizabeth Conde-Zhingre

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 4

Smartphone-based monitoring system of a coffee roaster machine, applied to small industry; [Sistema de monitoreo basado en Smartphone de una máquina tostadora de café, aplicado a la pequeña industria]

C.A. Calderon, Andres Armijos, Carlos Chamba, Humberto Cueva, Fabian Ochoa, Israel Ortega, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 8

Monitoring and automation of the water pumping and storage process applied to a water treatment plant; [Monitoreo y automatización del proceso de bombeo y almacenamiento de agua potable aplicado a una Planta de Tratamiento de Agua]

C.A. Calderon, Miguel Cueva, Nilvar Cuenca, Alexis Honores, Danny Guaman, David Jimenez, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 6

A machine vision system applied to the teaching of mathematics for blind or visually impaired children

C.A. Calderon, Maria Guajala, John Lanchi, Luis Barba-Guaman, Carlos Bermeo, F. Rivas-Echeverria

IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 - Proceedings, 2018

PLC-based temperature controller applied to a distiller of essential oils by water-steam drag; [Controlador de temperatura basado en PLC, aplicado a un destilador de aceites esenciales por arrastre aguavapor]

C.A. Calderon, Juan Pablo Gutierrez, Leonardo Alvarez, Daniel Granda, Eduardo Valarezo, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

A neural network embedded system for real-time identification of EMG signals

C.A. Calderon, Leonardo Jaramillo, Jose Zuniga, W. Hernandez, F. Rivas-Echeverria

IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 - Proceedings, 2018

Implementation and comparative analysis of fractional order PID Embedded Controllers, applied to speed control of a robotic prosthesis

C.A. Calderon, Roger Sarango, Edwin MacAs, Cristian Ramirez, F. Rivas-Echeverria, W. Hernandez

IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 - Proceedings, 2018

Wireless sensor network for real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity and illuminance in an orchid greenhouse; [Red de sensores inalámbricos para monitoreo en tiempo real de Temperatura, Humedad e Iluminancia en un orquideario]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Bryan Bustamante, Jonathan Delgado, Claudia Febres, Vinicio Montano, Cristian Saritama, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

Automation prototype applied to the process of packaging water drums of the VillonacoWater Plant; [Prototipo de automatización aplicado al proceso de envasado de bidones de agua de la Planta Villonaco Water]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Victor Calderon, Cristian Maza, Karla Rodriguez, Jorge Samaniego, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

System of monitoring and automation of a rural pumping system, based on WSN and PLC; [Sistema de monitoreo y automatización de un sistema de bombeo rural, basado en WSN y PLC]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Miguel Chavez, Jorge Espinoza, Andres Jimenez, Jhonatan Quito, Luis Salazar, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

Automation of a medicinal herb crusher machine applied to the small food industry; [Automatización de una máquina trituradora de hierbas medicinales aplicado a la pequeña industria alimenticia]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Edward Chuquimarca-Carrillo, Dayana Salinas-Lliviganay, Danner Salinas-Bravo, Jenny Rivera-Lituma, Cristian Ramirez Betancourth

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

Temperature monitoring system for the pasteurization process applied to the small dairy industry; [Sistema de monitero de temperatura para el proceso de pasteurización aplicado a la pequeña industria de productos lácteos]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Jairo Criollo, Juan Fernandez, Diego Japon, Richard Remache, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

Prototype industrial IoT applied to temperature monitoring in storage silos of dairy products; [Prototipo Industrial IoT aplicado a monitoreo de temperatura en silos de almacenamiento de productos lácteos]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Miguel Gonzaga, Jose Morales, Miguel Morocho, Bryan Torres, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 6

System of monitoring and automation of temperature of a Turkish bath; [Sistema de monitoreo y automatización de temperatura de un baño turco]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Granda Luis, Juan Morillo, Anderson Rivera, Carlos Torres, Cristian Ramirez

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 6

Virtual instrumentation system to automatically determine the stress-strain curve of Tensile Test

Lenin Jimenez, F. Cuenca, C.A. Calderon, Rudid Loyola, F. Rivas-Echeverr

IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 - Proceedings, 2018

Used of social networks and web application to design and promote the ecotourism route in the Southern Amazon of Ecuador; [Uso de redes sociales y aplicaciones web para el diseño y promoción de rutas ecoturísticas en la Amazonia sur del Ecuador]

Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Maria Gabriela Suasnavas-Rodriguez, Patricia Marisol Chango-Canaveral, Clara Gonzaga-Vallejo, Liliana Enciso, Carlos Alberto Calderon-Cordova

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-June, 2018, pp. 1 – 7

Detection of moving objects through color thresholding; [Detección de objetos en movimiento a través de la umbralización del color]

Luis Barba-Guaman, Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2017

Use of game jam model in the develop of a educational board game

Luis Barba-Guaman, Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Carlos Calderon-Cordova

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2017

Development of software prototypes through model game jam and basic vision artificial techniques; [Desarrollo de prototipos software mediante el modelo Game Jam y técnicas básicas de visión artificial]

Luis Barba-Guaman, Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Liliana Enciso, Daniel Guaman

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2017

Detection of the characters from the license plates by cascade classifiers method

Luis Barba-Guaman, Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Juan Pablo Ordonez Lopez

FTC 2016 - Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference, 2017, pp. 560 – 566

Design and Deployment of Grasp Control System applied to robotic hand prosthesis

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, C. Ramirez, V. Barros, G. Punin

IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 15, 2017, pp. 181 – 188

EMG signal patterns recognition based on feedforward Artificial Neural Network applied to robotic prosthesis myoelectric control

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Cristian Ramirez, Veronica Barros, Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Luis Barba-Guaman

FTC 2016 - Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference, 2017, pp. 868 – 875

Bootstrap-based frequency estimation method

Wilmar Hernández, Carlos Calderón-Córdova, Vicente González-Posada, Ángel Parra-Cerrada, José Luis Jiménez, José Enrique González-Garcia, José G. Zato, Oleg Yu. Sergiyenko

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, vol. 95, 2017, pp. 193 – 200

Referent framework to government of IT using standards: COBIT 5 and ISO 38500; [Marco de referencia para gobernanza de TI utilizando estándares: COBIT 5 y ISO 38500]

Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Patricia Marisol Chango-Canaveral, Vaneza Mariana Benavides-Cordova, Luis Alberto Jumbo-Flores, Luis Barba-Guaman, Carlos Alberto Calderon-Cordova

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2017

Design of a machine vision applied to educational board game

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, María Guajala-Michay, Rodrigo Barba-Guaman, Pablo Quezada-Sarmiento

2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2016, 2016, pp. 808 – 811

Design and implementation of an architecture and methodology applied to remote monitoring of weather variables; [Diseño e implementación de una arquitectura y metodología aplicadas al monitoreo remoto de variables meteorológicas]

Carlos Calderon-Cordova, Alex Jaramillo, Crhistian Tinoco, Manuel Quinones

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2016-July, 2016

A method of verifying the statistical performance of electronic circuits designed to analyze the power quality

Wilmar Hernandez, Carlos Calderón-Córdova, Eduardo Brito, Eduardo Campoverde, Vicente González-Posada, José G. Zato

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, vol. 93, 2016, pp. 21 – 28

Low-cost measurement for a secondary mode S radar transmitter

Ángel Parra-Cerrada, Vicente González-Posadas, José Luis Jiménez-Martín, Álvaro Blanco-Del-Campo, Wilmar Hernandez, Carlos Calderón-Córdova

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 64, 2015, pp. 3217 – 3225

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