Carlos Calderon Cordova

Scientific Researcher • Professor • Industrial Digital Transformation

🏆 Awards


Awards and Honors, featured data:

  • 15 Awards and Honors due to outstanding contributions.
  • 8 Awards due to outstanding contributions to Innovation. 4 Awards due to outstanding contributions to Reasearch.
  • 3 Awards granted by International Institutions.
  • 5 Awards granted by Government Organizations.
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Awards and Honors due to outstanding contributions
Carlos Calderon Cordova: National and International featured Awards
1. "Best Academic Inventor 2024" National Award
Awarded by Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy (CEDIA), Quito, Ecuador, April 2024.

2. "Best Academic Inventor 2022" National Award
Awarded by Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy (CEDIA), Cuenca, Ecuador, April 2022.

3. International Recognition "Honorable Mention of the 2021 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year"
Awarded by IEEE Special Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT), New Jersey, USA, December 2021.

4. "Recognition of the trajectory of Young Professionals"
Awarded by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Ecuador Section, Guayaquil, Ecuador, November 2021.

5. Recognition "Inspiring Teacher of the UTPL"
Awarded by Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador, June 2021.

6. International Recognition "IEEE Senior Member"
Awarded by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New Jersey, USA, August 2020.

7. "Best Academic Inventor 2020" National Award
Awarded by Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the Academy (CEDIA), Cuenca, Ecuador, April 2020.

8. "Ecuador Innova" Honor
Awarded by Vice Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, June 2014.

9. Gold Medal Winner in the international competition Infomatrix World Final
Awarded by Infomatrix, Ministerul Educatiei Nationale Rumania, and Fundatia Luminia, Bucharest, Rumania, May 2014.

10. "Clodoveo Carrión Mora" Honor to the Scientific merit
Awarded by Prefect and Provincial Government of Loja, Loja, Ecuador, September 2014.

11. "Pío Jaramillo Alvarado" Honor to the Scientific merit
Awarded by Mayor and Municipal Government of the Loja Canton, Loja, Ecuador, November 2014.

12. Public Recognition for achievements in the field of Robotics
Awarded by Mayor and Municipal Government of the Loja Canton, Loja, Ecuador, June 2011.

13. Honor: Illustrious Characters of the Puyango Canton
Awarded by Mayor and Municipal Government of the Puyango Canton, Alamor-Loja, Ecuador, January 2016.

14. Winner of the Institutional Contest "I Innova UTPL"
Awarded by Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador, May 2017.

15. Honorable Mention and Recognition for their contribution to Social Development through technology.
Awarded by Secondary School Julio Isaac Espinosa Ochoa, Alamor-Loja, Ecuador, October 2016.
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Team Awards due to the outstanding contributions of our work teams

Image gallery

Carlos Calderon Cordova: Premio Mejor Inventor Académico 2022, otorgado por CEDIA
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Reconocimiento UTPL
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Reconocimiento a la Trayectoria de Jóvenes Profesionales 2021, otorgado por IEEE Ecuador
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Reconocimiento a la Trayectoria de Jóvenes Profesionales 2021, otorgado por IEEE Ecuador, Guayaquil
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Premio Mejor Inventor Académico 2020, otorgado por CEDIA
Carlos Calderon Cordova: IEEE SIGHT Voluntario del Año 2021, New Jersey, Estados Unidos
Carlos Calderon Cordova: IEEE SIGHT Voluntario del Año 2021, Proyectos tecnológicos con impacto en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Reconocimiento Docente Inspirador, otorgado por la UTPL por sus 50 Años de vida institucional
Carlos Calderon Cordova: Reconocimiento Docente Inspirador, otorgado por la UTPL por sus 50 Años de vida institucional